Daily Occupation Update: February 17
Update for Thursday, February 17 on efforts taken to date to address the ongoing Freedom Convoy occupation in downtown Ottawa.

Invoking the Emergencies Act
My statement on the invocation of the Emergencies Act, and what this measure means for Canadians and protestors.

Daily Occupation Update: February 14
Update for Monday, February 14 on efforts taken to date to address the ongoing Freedom Convoy occupation in downtown Ottawa.

Daily Occupation Update: February 13
Update for Sunday, February 13 on efforts taken to date to address the ongoing Freedom Convoy occupation in downtown Ottawa.

Update on “Freedom Convoy” Occupation Resolution Efforts
For the past 11 days, Ottawans have had to endure significant disruption to their lives – to say nothing of vandalism, harassment and expressions of hate & violence.

Joint Statement from Ministers Blair, LeBlanc, Fortier, Mendicino and Alghabra
The ongoing blockades in downtown Ottawa remain an alarming exception. Ottawans have had to endure significant disruption to their lives – to say nothing of vandalism, harassment and expressions of hate & violence.

Statement of the Parliamentary Black Caucus Regarding the Ongoing Protest in Ottawa
We are disturbed and alarmed by the protests of the past days in Ottawa and Gatineau. The “Freedom Convoy'' protest became an opportunity for White supremacists and others with extreme and disturbing views to parade their odious views in public.