Fact Check: RCMP, banks say convoy protest donors won’t have accounts frozen
FACT CHECK: No, ordinary donors of the Freedom Convoy are not having their bank accounts frozen.
Daily Occupation Update: February 17
Update for Thursday, February 17 on efforts taken to date to address the ongoing Freedom Convoy occupation in downtown Ottawa.
Invoking the Emergencies Act
My statement on the invocation of the Emergencies Act, and what this measure means for Canadians and protestors.
Daily Occupation Update: February 14
Update for Monday, February 14 on efforts taken to date to address the ongoing Freedom Convoy occupation in downtown Ottawa.
Daily Occupation Update: February 13
Update for Sunday, February 13 on efforts taken to date to address the ongoing Freedom Convoy occupation in downtown Ottawa.
Update on “Freedom Convoy” Occupation Resolution Efforts
For the past 11 days, Ottawans have had to endure significant disruption to their lives – to say nothing of vandalism, harassment and expressions of hate & violence.
Joint Statement from Ministers Blair, LeBlanc, Fortier, Mendicino and Alghabra
The ongoing blockades in downtown Ottawa remain an alarming exception. Ottawans have had to endure significant disruption to their lives – to say nothing of vandalism, harassment and expressions of hate & violence.
Statement of the Parliamentary Black Caucus Regarding the Ongoing Protest in Ottawa
We are disturbed and alarmed by the protests of the past days in Ottawa and Gatineau. The “Freedom Convoy'' protest became an opportunity for White supremacists and others with extreme and disturbing views to parade their odious views in public.
Go #TeamCanada!
As the 2022 Olympic Winter Games are officially underway now, I’d like to invite you all to join me in cheering on #TeamCanada. Our athletes have worked incredibly hard to get to this point.
Newsletter — January 2022
It’s hard to believe that January has already come and gone! I hope you all managed to stay warm. It certainly has been a very cold month with many extreme weather warnings, as well as a record-breaking snowstorm on January 17th!
February is Black History Month
Black History Month is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of Black Canadians, while also listening to their lived realities and ongoing struggles.
Update on Canada’s Defensive Efforts in Ukraine
Canada has been steadfast in our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity. We are alarmed by Russian aggression in and around Ukraine. Ukraine’s security is Europe and the world’s security.
#BellLetsTalk — Join the Conversation!
Today, on #BellLetsTalk Day, I invite you to join the conversation! Join Millions of Canadians who come together to speak out, break down stigma, and talk openly about mental health. We’ve come so far, but there’s still a long way to go.
Vaccine Mandate for Cross-Border Truckers Now in Effect
Similar to the vaccine mandate established by the United States (which mandates that all truck drivers entering the United States must be vaccinated), Canada has implemented a policy requiring all truck drivers crossing our borders to be fully vaccinated.
Canada Volunteer Awards Now Open for Nominations
If you know a volunteer, a young person, social enterprise, a business or a not-for-profit organization that is making a difference in your community, show your appreciation by nominating them for Canada’s Volunteer Awards today.
Canada receives PAXLOVID to treat COVID-19
Today, Health Canada has authorized Pfizer’s antiviral treatment Paxlovid. This treatment, which can be taken at home, will be used to treat adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are at high risk of progressing to serious illness.
ClubLink Update: Local Planning Appeal Hearing Starts Monday, January 17
As a reminder, on March 6, 2020, ClubLink appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal for the lack of timely decision on their application. Due to COVID-19, this hearing will be held virtually and interested constituents can tune in to watch the appeal live via YouTube.
2 Billion Trees Start With 2 Billion Seeds
Planting trees is an important part of our plan to fight climate change and curb biodiversity loss, and I’m excited to share an update on our government’s 2 Billion Trees Commitment.
New and Noteworthy: Boosters & Rapid Tests
More than 8.6 million Canadians have gotten their booster already. That’s a great start, and I want to thank everyone who’s rolled up their sleeve. If you’re eligible but haven’t signed up for your shot yet, add that to your to-do list.